Friday, May 3, 2024

Report: Israel-Hamas Death Toll Rises Amid Ongoing Conflict


New details are coming to light in the deadly conflict in

According to new reports from Fox News, officials say that at least 1,100 people have died in the Israel-Hamas war that began on Saturday morning, with thousands more injured.

At least 700 people in were killed, and officials say that at least 260 people were killed at a music festival in southern Israel. Festival-goers were reportedly shot by terrorists who arrived in vans.

More than 400 people were killed in Gaza, with the Israeli military hitting more than 800 targets in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Health Ministry estimated that 413 people were killed, including 78 children and 41 women.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reported that around 1,000 soldiers have been involved in the fighting since Saturday morning, and Israeli officials say that 400 militants have been killed.

Around 2,000 people have been injured during the , which was formally declared by the Israeli government on Sunday.

Over 200 Israeli people have been kidnapped during the Hamas attacks.

At least four American citizens have been killed during the attacks against Israel, a U.S. official told the Associated Press.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken previously said on Sunday that the U.S. is currently working to verify the American deaths and disappearances. A number was not provided, but Blinken alluded to “several.”

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Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


  1. That 6 billion that old Joe gave to Iran is fueling this! Wouldn’t that be considered some sort of war crime? American citizens are among those dead!

  2. When this weak, despicable, malevolent old fool of a president left Afghanistan the way he did it set all of this in motion as the world saw what a fool we have representing us. A lot of those weapons left behind in Afghanistan in 2021 eventually found their way into the hands of Hamas as traitorous rodents who comprise this administration have allowed Iran to mastermind this tragedy. The sniveling little worm of a secretary of state called for Israel to stand down yesterday even as he admitted that Iran has always used its money to fund terrorism. If you are a leftist Democrat who supports these traitors then YOU are just as much the enemy of America as they are.

  3. THE ISLAMIC THREAT (Note: This information submitted many times since 1982 by one of the officers serving on the counter-terrorism team charged with addressing the threat to DOD personnel deployed overseas. To date few Americans and their so-called leaders have paid much attention to the ‘real’ threat!)

    The Islamic State, The Nation of Islam, CARE, ISIS, HAMAS, and any other Muslim group you can name; what do they all have in common? Answer, they all have the same ultimate objectives!

    Those objectives are to: 1). Fully install Sharia as the only governing philosophy in the world, and 2). Thus install Muhammad as the last true prophet and his teachings supposedly inspired by the ‘truths’ delivered to him in a cave by Gabriel (an angel of the one and only God) sometime between 610 – 613 CE as the only law and religion of the land. Those same truths/teachings which became institutionalized in the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sira; which are the three most important foundation documents providing the bases for Sharia.

    Per personal knowledge/experience as a military officer with many years of service in combating terrorism at the hands of various Muslim groups, I can inform all Americans willing to listen as to the reasons why I and many of my fellow officers have warned the American government many times as to why Islam is so much different than any other religion/governing philosophy, and why all Islamic groups present a significant threat to America.

    The simple reason the Islamic State, the Nation of Islam, CARE, ISIS, HAMAS, etc. are so dangerous is the range of strategies/tactics they are mandated to employ by the Prophet himself. If you doubt me just watch those individual Muslims who are implanted in the U.S. House of Representatives as they deal with their comrades, the media, and the American people. I simply find it pitiful as to how unskilled they are, yet their comrades in the government, the public and the media seem oblivious to their true objectives. Or as an old ground combat soldier would say, “I can’t believe you knuckleheads, you let the enemy walk up and kiss you right on the mouth before they gut you and/or cut your throat!”

    Don’t feel bad that you may have been so blind reference the threat from Islam and the range of their tactics (lie, cheat, steal, kill, whatever to rid the world of non-believers). Mr. Reagan and most of his administration refused to take the treat seriously they were provided by a group of army officers in 1982. Even after two Muslim terrorists a year later in 1983 killed over 200 marines, several sailors, one soldier, and 40 French soldiers in Lebanon our arrogance, lack of knowledge, and stupidity has left us naked.
    Now the Muslim community can count among their best allies the American media, the American left, and the hordes of simply ignorant deniers! 

    Don’t fret too much. I am offering classes to teach the eight prayers you need learn to start your personal conversion process. You will need to bring your own rug.

    Charles W. Lauderdale
    Soldier/Cop/Grunt, Retired

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