“The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert owes Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon an apology.
Last week, the liberal host recently peddled baseless claims that Dixon fabricated a story about inappropriate pornographic content in school libraries.
During a segment of his show, Colbert played a clip from her debate against incumbent Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, where she described an anonymous man who reported that his son's school library had content teaching children how to have sex. The “Late Show” host mocked Dixon's story, accusing the man in her story of being a figment of her imagination.
“OK, fine. That happened,” Colbert said, raising his two hands with two fingers to indicate doubt on the story. ”But even if it did, if someone found a book that didn't like the school library, why would they go to the Democrats?”
However, it wasn't long before the so-called imaginary man came forward to The Detroit Free Press to refute Colbert's characterization of him. Khalil Othman, a 41-year-old father of five, says that despite voting for Democrats for years he can no longer support the party.
“To claim that I'm not here, I don't exist, I'm not human, that's absolute ignorance,” Othman told the Free Press. “If this person did his due diligence and start researching or has his team do a little bit of research of who's this person who attended Dixon's rally, they will be able to find my name right away easy on social media. Just Google it.”
Othman, a former Democrat candidate for state representative, has been vocal about his concern over age-appropriate content in schools and attended multiple protests against alleged sexually explicit content in school libraries in Dearborn public schools.
“I am a proud Muslim American who expresses my values and concerns all the time,” Othman said at the event, according to The Daily Caller. “Dearborn has been voting Democrat blue for the last decade or two decades. But not anymore. On behalf of myself and my family, I guarantee you for sure that my family and my friends will vote for Republicans.”
Dixon also hit Colbert for irresponsibly peddling the false narrative while accusing the prominent media figure of simply brushing off Americans' concerns.
“I told his story (during the debate),” Dixon said Sunday of Othman to hundreds in Dearborn. “And Stephen Colbert picks it up … And they make this whole skit about how this has never happened. That's what he said, this story never happened. That's where the Democrats are right now. You don't exist, your stories are not important.”
Thursday evening Colbert begrudgingly admitted to the mistake.
“Here's the thing, I don't make many mistakes that I'm willing to admit. But when I do, I'm big enough to admit them,” Colbert said. “During a debate, she told a story that frankly I doubted.”
In recent weeks, Dixon has managed to close the gap against Gov. Whitmer. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, incumbent Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has a 3.4 lead over Dixon. However, the most recent AmGreatness/ Insider Advantage poll reported the two candidates in a dead heat with less than one week until Election Day.
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Colbert needs to acknowledge and apologize, he is wrong, but then it takes a man to apologize.
Colbert is an idiot!!! His show is not entertaining & he pushes the dims lies constantly. This is just more proof of that.
Coldbear is a slimy little weasel. He needs to go away.
Corbert is the biggest jerk on late night TV. The only thing more appalling than him is his audience that mindlessly laughs at everything he says regardless of how unfunny it is..
Psssst! It’s laugh machines!
Who is Stephen Colbert?
FAKE NEWS censoring Democrats never admit to being wrong Communists ALL
Just like Lord Brain Fart Joe Biden They are legends in their own tiny minds. They only tell BIGGER LIES.
WE THE PEOPLE can BOYCOTT this ly*ng fool like we continue to do the CNN PUSS PIT & he will soon be out of a job & Shows being CANCELLED just like his fellow LY*NG Fake news F**ls
CNN Trolls on parade, the cancelled &
soon out of a J O B – Yes ALL you Lying Fo*ls
GO TEAM FAKE NEWS CNN LIARS = Go straight to the Unemployment Line
They can all end up like the CNN D*gs leaving!!! Just Like the CNN Pedoph*le PUSS PIT aka Doomed!
Similar thing here in the CIncinnati area. A friend found books in the K-6 Kings Mills Schools with one describing a 6-year old performing sodomy on others; another book had 2 teenage boys raping a teenage girl; and yet another celebrated two teens committing suicide, one because of a physical deformity and another because of a mental impairment. The administration put her off for over a year so she went to the school board who did nothing and one school board member lying and saying it was being handled. A teacher stood up in the last school board meeting and called her a liar in spite of the fact that this friend copied word-for-word the offensive parts citing the page and paragraph. PEOPLE; your children are being trained in homosexuality and some teachers/administrators are grooming them. With over half of the US adult male population being addicted to porn, the last thing we should be doing is shielding porn in our schools!
Take Colbert down OK
Stephen Colbert isn’t worth the time wasted to watch
Once again colbert proves he’s just a cheerleader of the dems and truth doesn’t matter. IMO
“Here’s the thing, I don’t make many mistakes that I’m willing to admit. But when I do, I’m big enough to admit them,” Colbert said.
In other words, he is big enough to admit mistakes that he is willing to admit. That statement doesn’t even deny he make MILLIONS of mistakes he isn’t willing to admit. The natural follow up question is: Does he KNOW he made that admission, or is he just that dumb.